Practices “Prokopyshyn and Partners” law firm
Administrative practice
Due to the overregulation of economic activity in Ukraine, business has to spend enormous efforts and time to pass all kinds of permission procedures.
Our experts provide our clients with legal assistance in obtaining various licenses, certificates, permits, records and other permission documents. The knowledge of the corresponding legislation and the experience in passing every stage of the administrative procedure enables us to obtain permission documents required by our clients within the shortest possible time.
The main types of legal assistance provided by administrative practice include the following:
- consulting about the necessity to obtain permission documents required for exercising a certain type of economic activity;
- examination of client’s conformity to license terms and other terms which are to be abide by in order to obtain a permission document;
- preparation and submission of a package of documents required for obtaining a permission document;
- representation client’s interests during examination of a permission document by an administrative body;
- appeal of judgments of an administrative body awarded during examination of issuance of a permission document.