The company’s lawyers successfully represented and defended the interests of the client – a subject of urban planning activity in a dispute with the State Architectural and Construction Control Inspectorate in Lviv regarding the appeal in court of the decision to bring the client to justice in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Liability for Offenses in in the sphere of urban planning activity”.
As a result of the provision of legal aid, by the decision of the Lviv District Administrative Court dated October 16, 2019, the claims were satisfied in full – the decision of the State Architectural and Building Control Inspectorate in Lviv to impose a fine and the order of the State Architectural and Building Control Inspectorate in Lviv was annulled.
As a result of the analysis of the arguments and arguments, taking into account which the Lviv District Administrative Court made a decision in the dispute, the State Architectural and Building Control Inspectorate in the city of Lviv made a decision about the inexpediency of appealing the decision of the court of first instance in the appellate procedure.
The client’s interests were represented by lawyers Arsen Astashkin and Vasyl Grynchuk.